• Important Social Media Reminders

We have a big responsibility to educate the public about sea turtle and ocean conservation, and it’s important we do this as accurately as possible.

Some social media etiquette guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Don't post social media posts or collect content during shifts

  • Don't announce anything on social media unless LMC has announced it first

  • Preferably, always share LMC's official announcements rather than creating your own

  • Don't post information about a sea turtle's health status unless it has been posted on the patient updates

  • Don't post any content that could hurt LMC's brand, such as wearing an LMC shirt or polo and doing something illegal

  • Never speak on behalf of the organization, do not respond to media members who reach out to you via social media

  • Don't post negative comments on LMC's social media pages or posts

If you are ever unsure, or if you have questions about what might be considered appropriate to share, please reach out to LMC’s marketing team at marketing@marinelife.org or Volunteer Team at volunteer@marinelife.org if you have questions