Your Volunteer Newsletter Highlights
Ocean Champion Award Winner!!
Ocean Champion Award Winner!!
We are thrilled to announce that Tina Cox was awarded the Ocean Champion Award at our Annual Party on Wednesday night! Please join us in celebrating Tina's incredible work and commitment to the cause. We are so lucky to have her as part of our team
It is that time of year again! We have received 20 Kemps Ridley sea turtles from up north near the Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts region. Kemps Ridley sea turtles migrate from their nesting beaches, which are usually in and around the Gulf of Mexico. They typically arrive at the northern coastal feeding areas in the Gulf of Mexico in the springtime, and then eventually make their way south in the fall. Unfortunately, when quickly forming cold fronts develop it is not uncommon to see Kemps Ridley sea turtles caught somewhere in that migration route suffering from a variety of health issues.
The Kemps that we have received are all part of what we call a Cold-stunning event, which is related to the condition referred to as Cold-stunning. Sea turtles, being marine reptiles, are particularly susceptible to these events because of their ectothermic nature. This condition causes sea turtles to become very weak and inactive from exposure to cold temperatures, typically when water is noted to be 50 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Some of the conditions that we see these Kemps suffer from as a result of these Cold-Stunning events are lethargy, floating at or near the surface of the water column, and many secondary health issues from prolonged exposure. These secondary conditions can range from several issues related to pneumonia, bone infections that can take several weeks to manifest, and exposure effects on circulation, organ function, skin/shell/eye condition, as well as their immune system.
While they are in our care some of the treatments that you might see our team administering to these patients include nebulization, antibiotics, regular x-rays to monitor bone health and pneumonia developments, as well as any wound care that may be necessary.
If you ever have any questions, please feel free to let any of our staff members know! We are going to be very busy in the hospital, so please be cognizant of their time and space as they navigate the many new patients we have received!
The Research Department had a publication released last week that was a collaborative effort between New England Aquarium, LMC, North Carolina State University, and the North Carolina Aquarium.
We measured concentrations of three hormones in leatherbacks to understand how they respond to different stressors. Turtles entangled in fishing gear or that stranded had higher stress-related hormone concentrations compared to nesting females. This information helps us to better assess the leatherback health in various situations.
Jacksons Legacy Keepers
Even though the walk has already taken place, donations can still be collected until the end of 2024.
All proceeds go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of Jackson Gambrell.