Species Identification
Educational Animal Ambassadors
An educational animal ambassador at a nonprofit aquarium plays a vital role in fostering awareness and appreciation for marine life. Our dedicated team of Husbandry & Animal Care specialists care for and present various animals to the public, engaging visitors with interactive demonstrations and informative talks. By sharing insights about the animals’ habitats, behaviors, and conservation needs, they inspire a deeper understanding of ocean ecosystems and encourage responsible stewardship of marine environments. Their efforts help connect people of all ages to the wonders of aquatic life, promoting education and conservation in the community, with an emphasis on sea turtles in Florida.
Below you will find some of the species that we commonly see here in Florida, and of which are our animal ambassadors. They are here for educational purposes and to raise awareness on conservation efforts, ecosystem health, and habitat health.
Bluestriped Grunt (Haemulon sciurus)
Habitat: The bluestriped grunt is found in the western Atlantic Ocean from South Carolina (U.S.) south to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and Bermuda. Common in mangroves, reefs, and seagrass beds
Diet: Feeds on crustaceans, bivalves, and various small fishes
Facts: Their name comes from the grunting noise they make by grinding their teeth together
Queen Triggerfish (Balistes vetula)
Habitat: Found along the southeastern coast of the United States to the Caribbean
Diet: Invertebrates: sea urchins, shrimp, squid, clams, lobster
Facts: They can produce an audible warning from special membranes, warning other fish to keep away
Named “triggerfish” for their dorsal fin, which can stick up to secure their body in coral reefs
Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus)
Habitat: The scrawled filefish is circumtropical in distribution, ranging in the Western Atlantic from Nova Scotia, Canada, and the Northern Gulf south to Brazil
Diet: Feed on algae, seagrass, hydrozoans, gorgonians, colonial anemones, and tunicates
Facts: When threatened the filefish will dive quickly into a crevice in the reef, wedging itself into the shelter by erecting the dorsal spine on its head
Spot-fin Porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix)
Habitat: Porcupinefish are found in temperate marine environments
Adults generally linger inshore around areas that offer shelter such as caves, shipwrecks, reefs, and ledges
Juveniles are pelagic until reaching 8 inches
Diet: They are nocturnal predators, with strong jaws for feeding on snails, hermit crabs, and sea urchins
Facts: The teeth are fused into a single beak, and they have a powerful bite
For their defense they can intake water and increase their body size 2-3x their normal size
Their spines deter predators
French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
Habitat: Found in the western Atlantic Ocean off Bermuda, South Carolina, and the northern Gulf of Mexico. Found over rocky substrate, coral reefs, under ledges or close to elkhorn coral
Diet: Feeds primarily on small crustaceans, polychaetas, and mollusks.
Facts: Their name ‘grunt’ comes from the noise they make by grinding their teeth together
Spanish Grunt (Haemulon macrostomum)
Habitat: Bermuda to southern Caribbean on coral reefs and hard bottoms
Diet: Sea-stars, cucumbers, urchins and crustaceans
Facts: In some areas of the world 'Grunts' are better known as 'Sweetlips' distinguished from other species by their very large rubbery lips
Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)
Habitat: Western Atlantic from Maryland in the US to Bermuda, the Bahamas, and south to Brazil
They are also found throughout the West Indies
Diet: Feed on algae and small organisms in the sand and on coral reefs
Facts: They have the characteristic beak-like jaws with fused teeth used for scraping algae from coral and other rocky substrates
Help keep reefs clean and healthy
Cottonwick (Haemulon melanurum)
Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean: Bermuda, southeastern Florida, and the Bahamas to Brazil
Diet: Crustaceans, sea stars/cucumbers/urchis
Facts: Can be found schooling on reefs and shipwrecks, juveniles tend to shelter in seagrass beds
Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Habitat: Warm, shallow waters of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans.
Diet: Shellfish - crabs, lobster, shrimp
Facts: Sharks have no bones. Internal structure consists of cartilage
Molar-like jaw adapted to crush through hard shells
Ampullae of Lorenzini detect prey items below them
Porkfish (Anisotremus virginicus)
Habitat: Live in the Western Atlantic Ocean from Florida south to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea as well as the Bahamas.
Inhabit shallow inshore waters over reefs and rocky bottoms
Diet: Invertebrates such as mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, and worms are preyed upon. They are also generally nocturnal feeders
Facts: Juvenile porkfish are observed symbiotically feeding on parasites found on other fish species
Lookdown (Selene vomer)
Habitat: Shallow coastal waters with hard or sandy bottoms in the Tropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and are common along the Texas coast
Diet: Omnivores: Small worms, fish and crustaceans
Facts: When stressed, lookdowns will make grunting noises with their swim bladders and their teeth
Smallmouth Grunt (Haemulon chrysargyeum)
Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean, from South Florida to Brazil
Diet: Plankton, small crustaceans, mollusks, and worms.
Facts: This fish forms small groups spends daylight hours on reefs and moves to open water at night to feed
White-tipped Soldierfish (Myriprists vittate)
Habitat: West Indies and the tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean. The prefer reefs and even caves.
Diet: Their typical diet consists of crabs, fish and zooplankton.
Facts: They often make popping and clicking noises and usually hunt at night.
Gray Angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean from Florida and the Bahamas to the South of Brazil.
Includes the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, including the Antilles
Diet: Wide range of algae and invertebrates
Facts: They tend to cleaning stations where they remove ectoparasites from a wide range of fish
Mangrove Snapper (Lutjanus griseus)
Habitat: Coastal waters near structures such as reefs, mangroves, and seagrass.
Can also be found in freshwater
Diet: Crustaceans, gastropods and small fish
Facts: Form large schools which travel together to occupy various habitats
Have protruding canine teeth to consume crustaceans
Caesar Grunt (Haemulon carbonarium)
Habitat: Found in the western Atlantic Ocean and is distributed from Cape Canaveral in Florida to the Gulf of Mexico, including the Florida Keys
Diet: Nocturnal feeders on crabs, gastropods, starfish, and annelid worms
Facts: Found in clear water on rocky or coral reefs and mangroves. They are social fish which form schools and feed at night
Jewel Damselfish (Microspathodon chrysurus)
Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions, however they are sometimes seen in various other regions of the world
Diet: They are omnivores and adults feed on both small fish and herbivore options like algae
Facts: They tend to adjust to their environment quickly and can nip at other marine creatures
Queen Angel (Holocanthus ciliaris)
Habitat: Live alone or in pairs in the warm waters of the Caribbean and Western Atlantic
Diet: Omnivores: Sponges, algae and sea fans, soft corals and even jellyfish
Facts: Juveniles set up cleaning stations in seagrass where larger fish come to have their skin parasites removed
Bermuda Blue Angelfish (Holocanthus bermudensis)
Habitat: Found in the western Atlantic from North Carolina to Bermuda, into the Bahamas and Florida to the Gulf of Mexico
Diet: Its diet comprises largely sponges and occasionally feeds on tunicates, corals, and algae
Facts: The adults are usually encountered in pairs, and they remain in these pairs all year
Puddingwife Wrasse (Halichoeres radiatus)
Habitat: Native to the western Atlantic ocean through the west indies and Gulf of Mexico. They are usually in shallow coastal waters.
Facts: They can reach up to 20inches in total length
Black Margate (Anistotremus srinamensis )
Habitat: Western Atlantic Ocean. Very commonly found in Florida coastal waters and mangrove estuaries
Diet: Worms, clams, insects, and crustaceans
Facts: It frequently takes shelter in caves, ledges and within wrecks. Normally encountered as small groups or individuals and are nocturnal feeders
Foureye Butterflyfish (Chaetodon ocellatus)
Habitat: Inhabits sandy bottom shallows in and around reefs in the Western Atlantic. The foureye butterflyfish is commonly found on shallow reef around Florida
Diet: Swims and feeds over bare sandy bottoms. Scrape at the invertebrates, soft corals, worms, gorgonians and tunicates
Facts: Travels in pairs or in small groups in 4 or 5
Blackbar Soldierfish (Myripristis Jacobus)
Shallow water crevices and holes in coral and rock reefs during the day
Emerges at night to feed
Diet: Primarily plankton, but will consume small shrimp and other crustaceans
Facts: Large eyes aid in finding prey at night
Often seen swimming upside down
Longspine Squirrelfish (Holocentrus rufus)
Habitat: Found along the southeastern coast of the United States to Brazil
Diet: Crustaceans, mollusks and gastropods
Facts: They hide in or near dark ledges. They are territorial and defend their crevices with visual and acoustic displays
Spanish Hogfish (Bodianus rufus)
Habitat: Common across the whole Gulf of Mexico, Florida included, and in the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic Brazilian coasts
Diet: Feed on crustaceans, mollusks and echinoderms, like sea urchins, echiurans, and starfishes. The young feed on small organisms and like labroids clean up various fishes from their ectoparasites
Facts: Like other members of the wrasse family, they are protogynous and change sex from female to male
Brown Chromis (Chromis multilineata)
Habitat: Florida and Texas, throughout the Caribbean Sea to Brazil
Diet: Zooplankton, zoobenthos
Facts: Non-migratory species with the adults normally found in steep slopes and patch reefs at depths up to 300 feet
Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina )
Habitat: Chesapeake Bay south to Florida, and in the Gulf of Mexico south to Campeche, Mexico
Diet: Typically consists of tube anemones, amphipods, crustaceans, clams
Facts: Comfortable with changing levels of salinity, they can be found in freshwater lakes and rivers
Venomous barb for protection